2024 Australian Property Market Insights from AD Property Investment Advisors

As 2024 approaches, the Australian property market is poised for a significant upswing, presenting a promising landscape for prospective investors. A myriad of factors influences this landscape, from demographic shifts to construction challenges and market trends. This comprehensive analysis by AD Property Investment Advisors aims to dissect these elements for individuals eyeing the real estate market for investment opportunities.

Demographic Dynamics: Shaping the Future of Property Investment

Australia’s burgeoning population serves as the bedrock for the forthcoming surge in property demand. Forecasts indicate a population increase of 7.4 million by 2041, necessitating the construction of around two million new homes. This projection translates to an annual population growth of 410,000 individuals for the next 18 years, a substantial leap from the 318,000 average annual growth in this century. The lion’s share of this growth is expected to concentrate in cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth, projected to accommodate an additional 4.6 million individuals.

Construction Conundrum: Challenges Amid Soaring Demand

Challenges besiege the construction sector despite the mounting demand for housing. The costs associated with building new homes have skyrocketed, marking the fastest increase since the 1970s. This surge in expenses has amplified the plight of builders, with a staggering 2,213 construction firms declaring insolvency in the last financial year, a 72% increase from the preceding 12 months. Confidence in purchasing new properties has waned, evident in the declining percentage of individuals considering off-the-plan or newly built properties. The government’s ambitious goal of delivering 1.2 million new homes within five years faces feasibility concerns, especially considering the historical peak of just 224,000 dwellings constructed over a year, ending March 2017.

Supply-Demand Dynamics: A Widening Disparity

The discrepancy between housing supply and demand is anticipated to exacerbate further. Dwelling approvals have plummeted to the lowest in over a decade, a concerning trend amidst a booming population. The existing housing shortage is predicted to intensify without swift and substantial measures. The sustained high levels of immigration over the past two decades compound Australia’s housing crisis. Projections foresee continued robust immigration without an immediate change in policy, accentuating the strain on housing and infrastructure.

Market Momentum: Optimism Amid Challenges

The property market showcases robust momentum despite prevalent challenges. Current trends indicate an increase in house prices, a feat witnessed for the first time in 30 years despite a cycle of interest rate hikes. The National Australia Bank (NAB) has revised its property price forecasts upward for 2023 and 2024, attributing the surge to a pronounced supply-demand imbalance. Predictions indicate an 8% climb in property prices this year and a further 5% increase in 2024, culminating in a 13% growth over two years. Various capital cities are expected to witness varying growth rates, with Brisbane projected to surge by almost 19% over the same period, driven by population growth, rent escalation, and favorable labor market conditions.

Long-term Forecasts and Financial Institutions

Forecasts by KPMG suggest a substantial rise in house prices by mid-2025, with apartment prices surging over 9%. These forecasts are rooted in a comprehensive analysis of market trends, further solidifying the potential for significant capital growth in the Australian property market. The role of financial institutions is paramount, given their influence on the property market’s functioning. Adjustments in interest rates significantly impact borrowing costs and, consequently, property demand. Projections hint at a potential rise in the cash rate followed by a reversion to a neutral rate by the latter half of 2024.

Embracing Opportunity in 2024: The Investor’s Perspective

The impending year of 2024 spells a promising opportunity for investors in the Australian property market. Current trends indicate a landscape ripe for investment, offering a window of opportunity that is likely to remain open until interest rates eventually begin to soften, potentially accelerating prices.

The Australian property market presents an array of compelling factors for prospective investors, although challenges persist in tandem with promising growth indicators. Understanding these dynamics and being abreast of market shifts will be crucial for individuals looking to navigate this landscape for potential investment opportunities in 2024 and beyond. AD Property Investment Advisors stands ready to guide and assist investors in making informed decisions in the ever-evolving Australian property market.